NetZero framework, HSBC engagement

Progress in sustainable investing was quite notable this week. Pretend sustainability - greenwashing - comes about because bad faith actors realise there is a genuine force, demand / trend and want to benefit from it. 

So in some ways it’s a good thing if you support sustainability ideas because it means there’s real substance somewhere.  Let me note two items of substantive progress this week.

First, the IIGCC lead collaboration that has led to a net zero Paris Aligned investment framework. Many asset owners and investors support the framework and it’s a very significant step in harmonising efforts on what netzero for companies might mean. Still much work to do, but worth noting this step. You can view the framework here (my linkedin).

Second, a collaborative investor engagement has led to HSBC aligning its financing commitments to a low carbon world. You can view their letter here (my linkedin).