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What is Davos like?

Billionaire, Ray Dalio says this on Davos:

“Many people have asked me to share what Davos is like so here goes. It’s a gathering of people from all over the world who are sitting in very important seats in all sorts of subject areas (government policy makers, tech/philanthropy/science and most other specialties). These are not theoretical people; they are people who are actually in the seats of having to wrestle with the world’s most challenging and exciting problems. They interact by exchanging thoughts in 1) one-on-one meetings, 2) small gatherings, 3) through panel discussions and speeches and 4) after hours parties—so one can dive into whatever one is interested intensely with some of the smartest, most immersed, and nicest people in just about any area one is interested in. I personally start at about 7:30am and end at about 11pm each day and spend about 80% of my time in about a dozen one-on-one meetings and do all of the other stuff in small doses. I still regret missing out on so much other great stuff. I mostly focus on economic and geopolitical topics and a bit on ocean, nature conservation, and AI. I end the day with more energy than I start it because it’s so exciting to learn, help others understand, and come up with things to do that have big beneficial impacts.” (From his LinkedIn blogs)